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Presiden RI 2001

Controversy is Hardi's middle name. As someone who is very critical and all for fairness and just, Hardi uses his art as a medium to speak his mind. In 1979, he did just that. On the opening of his solo exhibition in TIM, Hardi created an installation of a graphic poster of himself in a Indonesian general costume, stating himself as Indonesia's President in 2001. The controversy builds up. This is in the New Order era where President Suharto is known for his strict regimes that limit the freedom of speech. But it was not until 1980 - when Hardi again exhibits this graphic art during the Young Artist Biennale, that he was arrested by Laksusda Jaya for his art. He was a political prisoner and people noticed. He was arrested for three days, before the Vice President - Adam Malik - ordered the release for the sake of The Human Rights Day celebration. How ironic.

This graphic art is a limited print that became iconic in Hardi's body of work. This is the moments that legitimize Hardi as the father of Art & Politic (Seni & Politik) in Indonesia. He talks the talk and walks the walk. And this continues through his critical writings in various newspapers, and also through his art. Until this day, you can still see Hardi marching in the street voicing his anger towards corrupt government. He also self-publishes a book, entitled Seni & Politik that compiles his clippings throughout the years.


Here is the link of some media coverage on the day of his arrests:

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